
“The most memorable moment of the expedition was our arrival at the DYE-3 radar station. Initially, we thought we would just rest after a long day of skiing, but about 100 metres from the station we dug out the Finnish flag and triumphantly climbed the radar dome. Everyone was over the moon,” says Nurmi, reminiscing. Full marks for the hiking underwear An important part of the preparations was the selection of durable and suitable clothing and equipment. No compromises were allowed: only the best and proven would be accepted. As luck would have it, the party included a survival expert who had spent hundreds of days in the field and would choose the equipment. “Picking the wrong gear can be fatal in extreme conditions. The North Pole expedition of Laskuvarjojääkärikilta ry (paratrooper guild) had used Ruskovilla’s hiking underwear in 2016 to great effect. Some of our party members had also used Ruskovilla underwear during their military service and gave it glowing reviews.” “Synthetic fibres were unsuitable for these conditions. Not only was their thermal insulation poor, but they would also start to smell after a couple of days. There is no bathing out on the glacier, so I wore my hiking underwear for 33 days straight and had no issues. The fact that the products were made in Finland was also appreciated. There is no other underwear that I can even imagine wearing on future journeys,” says Nurmi.

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