Just right
The fine-fibred and soft merino wool is a great material for children's headwear, mittens, neck warmers and socks. Wool is great at adjusting heat and is able to keep you warm even when wet. Customer feedback: "Ruskovilla's balaclava bonnet and mittens are our favourite products, and we've used them for as long as they fit the children, then passed them on to younger cousins."
ANKLE SOCKS 12 € 100 % merino wool WHITE BLACK
22-24 1800-3 1809-2 25-27 1800-4 1809-4 28-30 1800-6 1809-6 31-33 1800-8 1809-8
INSOLES 7,90 €
Product no. Size 1860- 28
30 35 100 % wool, on the other side jute covered with india rubber, can be cut to size with scissors 32 34
Air clothes often, wash occasionally and protect against moths. Washing instructions on p. 72 • Washi
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