Our new product this autumn is organic silk. We have long dreamt of the material while knowing how difficult it is to find worldwide. As a small family-owned company, we have dared to reach for the stars. Organic silk makes still up a negligible share of global industrial silk production, but we hope and believe it will increase in the future. Since 1995, silkworms have been farmed and bred organically in the province of Sichuan in central China. That is where Ruskovilla's organic silk comes from. We were invited to learn more about silk farming in the area. An article about our visit and photos can be found on pages 28-29, and there is an explainer on how GOTS- certified organic silk differs from ordinary silk on page 25. Our customers have fallen in love with the wool fleece we launched a year ago, and we have manufactured a group of new wool fleece products for people of all ages. In addition to grey, we will also aim to offer other colour options in smaller batches in our online store over the course of the year. Last year we created the opportunity on our website for our customers to share their user experiences of Ruskovilla products. We were inundated with fantastic experiences that were a real joy to read. We have picked some of them to feature on the pages of this catalogue. I hope that you take the time to explore the extensive range in this catalogue and find warm clothing for every season. Organic bedclothes are a part of your overall wellbeing. They can help you to experience a good night's sleep. Ruskovilla's silk is now organic!
Simple and natural is beautiful.
Ossi Näkki, Managing Director, Ruskovilla
Ruskovilla Oy Kinnarintie 32, FI-16200 Artjärvi Telephone +358 3 871 460 , Telefax +358 3 871 4621
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