A polo shirt can liven up everyday clothing and warm layers aren't only necessary for exercising. You might need them in other situations as well; perhaps you work in cold conditions, or your commute requires you to wrap up warm. Excellent for anyone who feels the cold. Customer feedback: "The merino wool short underpants are a hit. They warm strategic areas on winter snowshoeing and sledding trips, without making me sweat. An excellent product." Stylish polo shirts and comfortable short underpants
POLO SHIRT, unisex 70 € Colour Product no. Sizes GREEN 1311 XS-XXL RED 1316 XS-XXL BLUE 1317 XS-XXL MUSTA 1319 XS-XXL
SHORT UNDERPANTS, unisex 45 € Colour Product no. Sizes BLACK 1449 XS-XL
FACT Wool is also a safe fibre for hikers. It doesn’t catch fire easily, and requires a high temperature to ignite. Wool consists of proteins which slow the spread of fire. Wool’s ability to bind steam also makes it poorly flammable. If wool does catch fire, the flames are un- able to grow, since the fibres simply char and the wool extinguishes itself.
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